
Soundtrack for Frida Kahlo - Viva La Vida

Ana Patan signs the music composition and execution for theatre production "Frida Kahlo - Viva la Vida", newly premiered on Dec 5th, 6th and 7th at Teatrul Coquette in Bucharest.
The original soundtrack has been written over three weeks of intense cooperation work in November, based on the actors' interpretation of the screenplay written by Humberto Robles and adapted for stage by director Ruxandra Bălașu, who is also one of the actors in the play, alongside Ion Tudorache - both interpreting Frida Kahlo in a complex and compelling female/male duality. Ion Tudorache also covers expert puppetry work (with life-size puppets) of other fascinating characters in the painter's work and life.
The idiosyncratic soundtrack features solely Patan's abstract though melodic, minimalistic though complex electric guitar, which plays, alongside danceable tunes and rhythms - true to the Mexican culture - all the bass lines and even the percussive patterns as well. You can also hear a bit of Ana's singing, in her adaptation of the popular Las Mañanitas, the Mexican celebratory song, just as alive and used today as in Frida Kahlo's times!  

Dec 4, 2024

More "Frida Kahlo - Viva la Vida" Reviews

Lengthy and informative interview (in Romanian) in Marea Dragoste Magazine: 

"...from torment to caress, I managed to play everything on the guitar, not only the melodies and the bass lines, but also percussions and special effects. I tried to put in there Frida herself, the way I perceived her, as something organic, minimalistic, but fearless and complex, imperfect, dynamic, like breath or heartbeats (which we can also hear here and there in this soundtrack) and not following a computerised pattern.
The result is not typical theatre music, although it is typical theatre music! I love this sort of paradox, when something looks like it doesn't belong there, but convinces that it's in the right place and moment. 
Journalist Heinz Rebellius describes it as "very peculiar, somehow strange and impenetrable, but at the same time close. Just one guitar for the music of a theatre play is a phenomenal idea, and a testimony for a bold director and a bold composer. Personally I liked how the guitar is played so purely!"

"The music of Ana Patan confers this theatre show a staggering dimension. It is an event in itself the coming back to the Romanian artistic space, after an absence of two decades, of this composer, guitarist and singer who has won herself an international renown, through a non-conformist and sophisticated combination of jazz and rock, on own lyrics of remarkable originality."
Article on
"Frida Kahlo is a normal and very honest person, who doesn't present things prettier or more awful than they are, and from this courage of being herself, with all her pain and strength of life, out come these paintings which give us the impression that she was different, Ana Patan explains"
See also: This live video discussion (on Youtube, in Romanian, about 90 mins.) about the play "Frida Kahlo - Viva la Vida" on Psihologul Muzical / Foc de PAE
Dec 28, 2024


Theatre Play Review

"Ana Patan's composition does more than just accompany the stage action, it becomes a character in itself, expressing the emotions and intense experiences of Frida Kahlo. The music manages to capture the rebellious spirit of the artist, but also her vulnerability, thus significantly contributing to the general atmosphere of the show."

Huge thanks to Ziarul Pozitiv for coming to see our show and writing this supportive review (in Romanian) of the theatre premiere "Frida Kahlo - Viva la Vida" at Teatrul Coquette that happened a few days ago in Bucharest, with Ruxandra Bălașu as director, Humberto Robles as screenwriter, played by Ruxandra Bălașu and Ion Tudorache, and music by Ana Pătan.

Dec 13, 2024

Short Interview by La Chaîne Guitarre

A short interview, alongside Jonas Hellborg, by Pierre Journel from La Chaîne Guitare after the live performance at the Guitar Summit 2024 where we were on stage playing Dogal Strings (and me - a fine Blackforest Guitarz instrument!) together with Bobby Vega and Antonio Winkler on drums.


Nov. 20, 2024

Magazine report and radio interview in Romanian

Interview in Romanian magazine Jupânu'  - Read it online here
Wonderfully conducted and written by Alexandra Cuza! Major thanks!
The full audio discussion will be aired in full on Radio Top Suceava this weekend, together with the full-length play of Ana Patan's album "Spice, Gold and Tales Untold"
Oct. 31, 2024

Black Forest Guitarz

After playing one of their instruments on the main stage at the Guitar Summit show, Ana announces new cooperation with German guitar building company Black Forest Guitarz!
They are now discussing building a guitar just as she would need and like, which can become her trusted team mate onto music explorations from now on!
Oct. 16, 2024

Mannheim Concert

Some impressions from recent live concert at Mannheimer Rosengarten, during the Guitar Summit - Europe's biggest Guitar Show, where Ana Patan played her favourite Dogal Strings on a beautiful instrument by Blackforest Guitarz. She performed alongside two bass legends, Jonas Hellborg and Bobby Vega, accompanied on the bass by Antonio Winkler.

Sep 29, 2024


Interview / reportage by Lars Stenberg on the surroundings and story of Patan's current CD "Spice, Gold and Tales Untold" (turn on English captions).

Aug 31, 2024

The Ana Patan Interview

New podcast on Jake Feinberg Show
A 37 min. discussion with Ana Patan "Free spirited guitarist talks about her creative sensibilities and the calling of music throughout various chapters of her life."
June 24, 2024

Guitar Summit Performance

Guitar Summit, Europe's biggest guitar show, is presenting Ana Patan as a first-time artist appearance, with a performance at the Mozart Saal in Rosengarten, Mannheim on Saturday, Sep. 28th, alongside bass legends Jonas Hellborg and Bobby Vega , and featuring Antonio Winkler on drums.

Sep 23, 2024

Music Fun

From the latest gig with the boys, fragment from a reportage by Lars Stenberg, in full length here.

Next concert at Matverkstaden på Lokstallarna in Malmö SE on June 29.
See you there if you're around!

June 22, 2024

Austrian / German Radio Agora

Ana is on the radio!
Tonight 11 March, from 22:00 (CET) you can listen to a lengthy interview (in English) about the making of album Spice, Gold and Tales Untold.
on Austrian / German post radio AGORA 105,5
in the show Soulkantine
March 11, 2024

Review of "Silicon Pimp"

"There is a movement beginning to take form. [...] It is the cultural people, the songwriters, artists, and writers who, as ever, take hold of ideas and a zeitgeist and put it across to the public. Initially, it might be a small audience, but every major political and economic change starts like this, a movement which gradually morphs into an accepted norm where before it was dismissed as cultish or extreme at its root."
Here's an excellent review of new song and video "Silicon Pimp" on
March 9, 2024

Guitare Xtreme

"A unique and captivating universe to discover urgently in her album Spice, Gold and Tales Untold"
Guitare Xtreme Magazine  spotlight on new song and live video "Silicon Pimp", which you can see here
March 4, 2024

Lazland Find of the Year

Find of the Year Award 2023 from

"There was a clear winner here. Ana Patan’s Spice, Gold and Tales Untold remains a regularly played album, which I headlined as a treat for inquisitive minds. It is a delight; she is a huge talent [...]"

January 10, 2024
"It is described as jazz-rock, but it's so much more" Album review (in German) on Melodiva, signed by Fee Kuhn
"The wide bandwidth and careful selection are pleasantly noticeable. Also special: the analog recording technology, which gives the songs a rough, simple, natural sound [...] fantastic accompanying musicians [...] excellent vocal technique"
Photo by Marcus Liedholm from latest concert.
December 20, 2023
"There's her voice, coming out quite straightforward. There's rhythm, force and passion, as well as clever lyrics, that make the album worthwhile."
Spice, Gold and Tales Untold - spotlight in Der Hörspiegel (in German)
November 29, 2023


At NAMM Show '24 playing the Dogal Strings on a very beautiful, uniquely hand-crafted instrument by OD Guitars, at the Bare Knuckle Pickups booth!
Thanks to Marco Celegon, Omer and Tali Deutsch at OD Guitars, Aidan Israel, Michael Sean Miller, and Timmy, Ben and Chris at Bare Knuckle!
February 15, 2024
South of Sweden welcoming Ana's music with an extended story on two whole pages and the front cover of newspaper Norra Skåne!
Thanks to Lars Stenberg, Anders Mårtenson, Sofia Åström and Martin Davidsson!
December 29, 2023

Here's from a piece called "Mood for Italian Food", only available in these art/exhibitions contexts by gifted artist Luciana Tamas.

It's a funny quirky jazzy song about creativity, and how one needs nourishing breaks to refuel it.

Symptomatic/Asymptomatic is a pavilion, curated by Luciana Tamas, in the ample online art exhibition The Wrong Biennale.
November 15, 2023
A great review in reputed Vintage Guitar Magazine, plus a video feature of General Conspiracy, which you can see here.
October 26, 2023

GoodTimes Magazine

"What a striking effect lies in this clear arrangement!"
An excellent review of "Spice, Gold and Tales Untold" in the latest issue (Dec. 2023 - Jan. 2024) of Good Times Magazine!
January 16, 2024

"...One of the best I've heard in many years, across all genres.

By the way, the sound is also one of the best!
This album breathes and lives music.
One of my absolute top recommendations for you this year!!!"
Review of Spice, Gold and Tales Untold (in German) on Hören und Fühlen
December 6, 2023
Live music / ART / reading event with Ana Patan Trio (Ana Patan - guit, voc, Per Stadin - bass, Rickard Langnesund - drums) painters Susanne Bygdo and Marcus Liedholm, and author Åke Högman!
November 4, 2023
“She is equally good at it all: guitar playing, singing, composing. Which is actually not that usual, for example that a skilled, yes, virtuosic guitarist would write such good, direct and accessible pieces.”
A pwerceptive review of “Spice, Gold and Tales Untold” by reputed music journalist Bengt Eriksson in the latest issue (Oct. 2023) of Swedish magazine Hifi & Musik.

October 20, 2023

Guitar Summit 2024

Guitar Summit, Europe’s biggest guitar show, is presenting Ana Patan as a first-time artist appearance, with a performance at the Mozart Saal in Rosengarten, Mannheim on Saturday, Sep. 28th, alongside bass legends Jonas Hellborg and Bobby Vega , and featuring Antonio Winkler on drums.


Ana Patan is a German musician, of Romanian descent.
She’s a singer/songwriter i.e. a storyteller;
her instrument of choice is the electric guitar.

Born and raised in Romania, she was adopted by the folk – music movement that blossomed in the wake of the overthrow of the communist regime. Her music was not necessary folk but more pop/rock, with an enthusiastic inclusion of influences ranging from Jazz to Prog-Rock.

Patan won first prize in a national music competition, followed by top-level stage performances and media coverage. She went on to study music theory and guitar in Germany – Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, coupled with a healthy dose of live performances.

From 2009 she has focused on the reboot of her own musical language, developing a unique style of guitar playing that is almost orchestral in order to be able to fully accompany herself solo, or with a bare bones band with the simple addition of drums and bass.

Mångkulturell musik med ett positivt budskap och unikt sound som sträcker sig från jazzig art-rock till världmusik och progg, extrovert och rik på kontraster och Dualiteter: enkel och sofistikerad, rolig och exponerande, organisk och intellektuell, energisk och avslappnad.

Berlin-baserade bandledaren, kompositören, gitarristen och sångerskan Ana Patan har under de senaste två decennierna, sedan hon kom fram i en explosiv musikscen som uppstod hemland Rumänien efter att diktaturen störtats, haft en framgångsrik karriär, främst i kontinentala Europa. På hennes senaste album “Spice, Gold and Tales Untold” hörs framstånde medmusikanter som Devin Townsend, Zoltan Csörsz, Jonas Hellborg och Jonathan Herrera.

Plattan har spelats flitigt på radiostationer runt världen och har vunnit beröm av såväl musikälskare och kritiker.

“Hon är lika bra på allt: gitarrspel, sång, komponerande. Vilket faktiskt inte är så vanligt, att till exempel skickliga, ja, virtuosa gitarrister kan göra så bra, direkta och tillgängliga låtar

Och jo, hon kan höja rösten och ropa till, än mer bestämd, för att sen få sin röst att mjukna igen

Och så låtarna. Både melodiska och rytmiska, alltid melodiska oavsett hur rytmiska de än blir. Jazz? Ja. Funk? Ja. Rock? Pop? Jo, det också. Alla nämnda genrer, ofta på samma gång, i och ur varann. Nedtonad heavy metal? Ja, kanske det dessutom.” 

Bengt Eriksson, HiFi & Musik


“A brilliant songwriter” Lee Sklar


“Jazz queen with her guitar” Bild, Germany


“Her vocal leaps seem effortless. At the same time Ana Patan is in full control of her guitaristic craft.” Tagblatt


“A sophisticated jazz/rock style. Her material is characterised by a sultry vocal delivery, along with intelligent and witty lyrics” Radio Wigwam, UK


“From her well-groomed pool of knowledge, skill and talent, Patan brings you the most beautiful songs you never knew existed.”  Ons Nieuws, The Netherlands


“Combination of sophisticated music and broadly relatable human themes” The Proglodytes, USA


A treat for inquisitive minds: a new dimension of music – desperately clever, […] achingly beautiful! Very higly recommended” Steve Lazenby, UK


“Music flowing without limits, without barriers, impetuous like the water in a torrent” Metalhead Italy


“…One of the best I’ve heard in many years, across all genres.
By the way, the sound is also one of the best!
This album breathes and lives music.

One of my absolute top recommendations for you this year!!!”

Hören und Fühlen, Austria


“The sparkling and aromatic stories defy categorising to capture hearts. This album is a real treat. ” Let It Rock, Canada


“A deceptive simplicity imbued with richness of subtleties; revelry in wit, warmth, and joy; centering around Patan’s beautiful voice” Radio Eclectic, UK


Patan’s formidable talents are showcased on originals that are sexy but smart, hip but not pretentious, breezy in spots but never snoozy. Highly recommended!” Vintage Guitar, USA


“There’s her voice, coming out quite straightforward. There’s rhythm, force and passion, as well as clever lyrics, that make the album worthwhile.” Der Hörspiegel, Germany


“The bare yet intricate music is complemented superbly by Ana’s earnest vocals, sometimes fragile and at other times loud and proud.” Prog Radar

“Achieves that very difficult trick of appearing to be of the most utter simplicity but is, in reality, a very cleverly constructed music. By god, this is so good!” Lazland, UK


“An excellent album, […] superb stuff” Anil Prasad, Innerviews, USA


“A unique and captivating universe to be urgently discovered in her album Spice, Gold and Tales Untold” Gitarre Xtreme, France


A shiver runs down your spine when listening to this CD. The sparse arrangement and the unpretentious singing of Ana Patan, the simplicity and authenticity of the artistic expression contribute to the unique atmosphere of this recording.” Jazzfun, Germany


“Guitar chops with great effect and a tone and taste that is reminiscent of people like Mike Stern or John Scofield. Quite unusual and refreshing” Music Talks, Australia


“If you want music that will lift you up, make you feel stress-free and invigorated, have moments of pure joy, excitement and love, music that will also make you think and question the norm, then “Spice, Gold and Tales Untold” is the album for you.” Rock News and Views, UK


“Many intriguing and involving stories which breathe and come to life quite spectacularly. An album that has surprised me in its simple brilliance and one that, if you let it, will enrich your life in a myriad of ways.” Prog Radar, UK


Think singer/songwriter greats like Janis Ian, Joan Baez, Joan Armatrading and Joni Mitchell (the four Js) but Ana can do the guitar thingy very well indeed.

She is comfortable with her art and her vision, expressing it without compromise. I believe it’s called maturity, and this is what all musicians try to aspire to.

Stripped down bare in order to reveal honesty, inspiration, and utter class, the sophisticated object is to seduce, charm and make one smile: Spice Gold and Tales Untold.

So, this surely is an authentic musical divertissement that has a time and space well deserved in your daily routine. It’s fun, mostly upbeat, original, heartfelt, and enjoyable.” Prog Rogue, Canada


One doesn’t know where to direct one’s respect for this globetrotter with Romanian roots: to the rhythmic and soloistic guitar work? To the fact that the singer/song poet Ana Patan, along with bass giant Jonas Hellborg and Flower Kings drummer Zoltan Csorsz, recorded everything on analog tape? Her lyrics, which are funny, philosophical and cheeky? Sometimes dreamy, sometimes funky, sometimes African: “The Human” allows a rhythmic casualness à la Paul Simons Graceland flare up […] “How Could We Live Before” asks whether there was life before the internet.

Voc/ g / b/ dr – what a striking effect lies in this clear arrangement!” Good Times Magazine


“What really distinguishes Patan and her album is the raw, simple, natural sound. The purely analog recording stands clearly apart from the artificially produced musical expressions of our times.” Munich Talk, Germany

“The most spectacular rise of all Romanian pop-rock musicians in the last years. Laudative cronicles, votes from music-lovers and journalists all over Europe. I’d call her a self-made woman.” Actualitatea Muzicala, Romania


“Her musical presence brings a charm we’ve been missing” Sound on Sound Magazine


Guitare Xtreme Magazine

Illustrious French magazine Guitare Xtreme Magazine – Le magazine des guitaristes has words of approval for Ana’s latest online video of new song “Silicon Pimp”, which you can see here.
“A unique and captivating universe to discover urgently in her album Spice, Gold and Tales Untold”
Merci beaucoup les gars!
March 5, 2024

Good Times Magazine

This review from one of our favourite magazines in Germany simply made our day! Not only the observant and detailed chronicle of album “Spice, Gold and Tales Untold”, but also the company with which Patan is sharing the page: Bryan Ferry, Anastacia, Bush, Frank Zappa…

Here a part of the text, in translation from German “One doesn’t know where to direct one’s respect for this globetrotter with Romanian roots: to the rhythmic and soloistic guitar work? To the fact that the singer/song poet Ana Patan, along with bass giant Jonas Hellborg and Flower Kings drummer Zoltan Csorsz, recorded everything on analog tape? Her lyrics, which are funny, philosophical and cheeky? Sometimes dreamy, sometimes funky, sometimes African: “The Human” allows a rhythmic casualness à la Paul Simons Graceland flare up […] “How Could We Live Before” asks whether there was life before the internet.
Voc/ g / b/ dr – what a striking effect lies in this clear arrangement!” Good Times Magazine Dec 2023/Jan. 2024

In original “Man weiß gar nicht wohin mit dem Respect vor der Globetrotterin mit Rumänischen Wurzeln: zur rhythmisch wie solistisch amtlichen Gitarrenarbeit? Zum Fakt, dass die Singer / Songpoetin Ana Patan samt Bassgiganten Jonas Hellborg und Flower-Kings-trommler Zoltan Csorsz alles auf Analogband aufnahm? Zu ihren Texten, die witzig, philosophisch wie frech daher kommen? Mal veträumt, mal funky, mal afrikanisch: “The Human” lässt rhythmische lässigkeit à la Paul Simons Graceland aufflackern […] “How Could We Live Before” fragt, ob es vor dem Internet schon Leben gab. Voc/ g / b/ dr – welch frappierende Wirkung liegt in dieser klaren Anordnung!” Good Times Magazine Dec 2023/Jan. 2024


HiFi & Musik

A splendid review of Patan’s album “Spice, Gold and Tales Untold” by reputed music journalist Bengt Eriksson in the latest issue (Oct. 2023) of Swedish magazine Hifi & Musik.



“The electric guitar is the first thing I hear, both its sound and her way of playing it. Understated, almost quiet. Soft but with something resolute and impulsive, yes, tough. Clever and quirky with extra coloring of the chords. The next thing I hear is her voice. Also quite quiet but also highly determined. And yes, she can raise her voice and scream even more determinedly, for later bringing it down to softness again. And so also the songs. Both melodic and rhythmic, always melodic no matter how rhythmic they get. Jazz? Yes. Funk? Yes. Rock? Pop? Yes, that as well. All named genres, often at the same time, in and out of each other. A diluted heavy metal? Yes, maybe that in addition. Ana Patan grew up in Romania and came via Germany to Sweden.

She is equally good at it all: guitar playing, singing, composing. Which is actually not that usual, for example that a skilled, yes, virtuosic guitaristwould write such good, direct and accesible pieces. Some examples: On the quiet introduction of “Undeciphered” Ana lays down some electric guitar chords, and an electric bass plays – no, not just along, but actually with – the guitar. She then starts singing, precisely as I’ve described: from the calm, quiet all the way to the high, loud and determined. Observe the electric bass. Do you recognise it? I for one did. Jonas Hellborg plays bass, he does that on several tracks. His playing is so melodic and warm and at the same time powerful that it’s unmistakably him. Other musicians: Devin Townsend and Jonathan Herrera play as well bass, Jamal Evans percussion and Zoltan Csörsz drums. Further examples: Holly molly, on “The Human” she goes on to play an afro-melody/rhythm on the guitar. “21 Century Man” is actually hard rock, with a considerably rougher, fiercer guitar sound. “Hot Hot” doesn’t sound like the title but it is a layed-back ballad with beautiful chords. “How Could We Live Before” is jazz – or jazzy – both as guitar playing and singing. In the last piece we hear one more thing which is representative for Ana Patan’s guitar playing: both chords and notes. At the same time. Listen to the bright notes that sound on top of the chords.” Bengt Eriksson, HiFi & Musik, Oct. 2023


Vintage Guitar Magazine!

Vintage Guitar Magazine has been, for decades, one of Ana’s favourite publications in matter guitars and music,  with its long established and constant quality.

The honour and thrill is therefore substantial to find in its pages (no. 81, October 2023) a really snappy little review of her album “Spice, Gold and Tales Untold”!

Not only that, but they also asked Ana to contribute for the occasion a video where she’s playing some of the music on the album and talking a bit about the release and her equipment. Check it out on the magazine’s page, here:


Review in HiFi & Musik

“She is equally good at it all: guitar playing, singing, composing. Which is actually not that usual, for example that a skilled, yes, virtuosic guitarist would write such good, direct and accessible pieces.”
A splendid review of Patan’s album “Spice, Gold and Tales Untold” by reputed music journalist Bengt Eriksson in the latest issue (Oct. 2023) of Swedish magazine Hifi & Musik.

Jazz-Fun Review

The jazz world is opening its arms to Ana Patan’s music with an excellent review from Jazzfun of her newly arrived CD “Spice, Gold and Tales Untold”.

“Purists may question the jazziness of this recording, but what good are such discussions when a shiver runs down your spine when listening to this CD? The sparse arrangement and the unpretentious singing of Ana Patan, the simplicity and authenticity of the artistic expression contribute to the unique atmosphere of this recording.” Jazzfun, Sep. 2023

“A treat for inquisitive minds”

British journalist Steve Lazenby finds in Ana Patan’s album “Spice, Gold and Tales Untold” so much more than the obvious, which makes this review particularly commendable!

He writes with the knowledge and sympathy of an insider, of a participant in the music, an attitude which allows him to understand a lot of the discrete meanings, in the lyrics, in the chords and in the way everything is played. In any work of art which took a decade to exist, there are bound to be plenty of details easy to miss or be brushed aside by anyone whose job is to hear and review a lot of albums daily. That trap is not for Mr. Lazenby, who managed to guide the listener along all the little miracles of this collection.


“desperately clever […] achingly beautiful”

“…achieves that very difficult trick of appearing to be one of the most utter simplicity but is, in reality, a very cleverly constructed piece of music and, perhaps more than most, achieves that “in the living room” effect for the listener.”

“Modern punk rock sensibilities infused with the blues. By god, this is so good. ”

“This piece of music will be an extremely strong contender for my “track of 2023” when it comes to the year close.”

“This is an album which ultimately makes me smile and feel good when I hear it, and, mind, also about our future as a race, because as long as we can express ourselves in this manner, there will always be hope.

Very highly recommended.”

Read the entire article here:

Virtual concert tomorrow!

Vor 3 Jahren war sie schon mal da, war cool, deshalb kommt sie am 15.11. wieder, Ana Patan aus Rumänien, wir freuen uns auf das Wiedersehen 😎

Posted by Jever Song Night on Thursday, November 8, 2018

things have a way of settling in you’ll see though nothing will probably be what you expect it to be you’re already all right take a smaller bite stop being so tight this is not a fight things have a way of saving the day you’ll see

Posted by Ana Patan on Sunday, July 4, 2021

Fun starts after the concert: A really fine plate of tapas for the hungry musicians and their wonderful friends!

Posted by Ana Patan on Tuesday, September 13, 2016
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